The Zebra Quilt and Miss Picky McPicky

Neither of my two daughters appreciate my crafty endeavors.  I’ve tried to get them interested in knitting or scrapbooking, to no avail, but imagine my surprise when my 19 year old daughter, Haley, asked me to make a quilt for her.  You mean with fabric?  Wow!  Did she even know that fabric existed in the real world, at least outside Mom’s craft room?  This will be fun – or so I thought!

I forgot one little detail…Haley is Miss Picky McPicky and she was going to pick out every last piece of fabric for this quilt – all 20 of them!  I had many grand ideas of what this quilt was going to look like and she had others.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved welcoming her into my world of craftiness, but do we have to analyze the position of nearly every fabric?  Strip quilting is supposed to be about randomness, not analytical placement!

The squares are paper foundation pieced and measure 8 x 8 inches finished.   I started with the zebra square in the middle and sewed the strips on the diagonal towards the outside corners.  I love this method of quilting.  You don’t have to be precise, can use random pieces that fit your space and then you cut the finished square to match the paper foundation and then peel the paper off!  Haley did the peeling and ironed nearly all the squares herself.

Ok, so I have to admit, she did a great job picking out the colors.  They are bright, happy and it’s totally her and who knows, maybe there’s a crafty bone in her body afterall.  A mom can dream….